Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I Know You're Out There

I know fear. I think I know it more strongly, now that I have children, because I care deeply for them, and I don't want them to have to ever experience trauma.

It doesn't take a psychic to know where our country is headed. Read the subtext: Bush's approval rating below 35%. Bush's administration being probed for illegal activities, not the least of which is lying to the American public. The CIA's head brass quitting because of pending bribery investigations. Cunningham and DeLay surrounded by ethics violations.

And, then: Iraq, a mess we created that's getting worse. Osama bin Laden - does anyone even talk of him any more? Afghanistan, a mess we created that's getting worse. Sudan, a mess we had messy ties to, now getting awful. Iran, a mess we created long ago now coming back, big time, to bite us in the ass.

What does an American president do with such problems? See Reagan, Clinton, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Eisenhower and Nixon for suggestions. We invade a country, saying words like "Freedom!", "Security!", and "Terrorism!" as loudly and often as possible. Call dissidents un-American and Socialist, though no one really knows the meaning of either term any longer.

I listened to one of my best friends, a dyed-in-the-wool progressive (used to be called liberal, before O'Reilly and others turned it into a epithet), as he explained why some military strike against Iran was necessary. "Necessary?", I asked. "They're crazy over there," he replied.

No, we're crazy. We're crazy to think that all serious problems in the world can be handled by extremely expensive military action. Terrorist attacks? "Kill, quickly." Iran wants nukes? "Kill, quickly." (even when it's a lie).

I am terrified for my country, and for the countries (and lives) we're destroying in our honor. So, today, a feeble attempt to call out to those folks out there for help, and to encourage speaking out.

A mix: "War and Peace"


At 10:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome post and awesome music mix to go with it!


At 2:19 PM, Blogger FiL said...

Indeed, I'm afraid too. Very afraid. I have a 21-year-old cousin by marriage over in Iraq and I'm thrilled to bits each time I get an e-mail from him because it lets me know he's alright. But he shouldn't have been sent over there in the first place...


At 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How long are links up?

At 6:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Five months today. Is this blog ever going to revive?


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